New stills from Season Three of THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY have finally surfaced! Euphoria fans won’t want to miss this as Javon Walton joins the Cast!
After putting a stop to 1963’s doomsday, the Umbrella Academy return home to the present, convinced they prevented the initial apocalypse and fixed this godforsaken timeline once and for all. But after a brief moment of celebration, they realize things aren’t exactly (okay, not at all) how they left them. Enter the Sparrow Academy. Smart, stylish, and about as warm as a sea of icebergs, the Sparrows immediately clash with the Umbrellas in a violent face-off that turns out to be the least of everyone’s concerns. Navigating challenges, losses, and surprises of their own – and dealing with an unidentified destructive entity wreaking havoc in the Universe (something they may have caused) — now all they need to do is convince Dad’s new and possibly better family to help them put right what their arrival made wrong. Will they find a way back to their pre-apocalyptic lives? Or is this new world about to reveal more than just a hiccup in the timeline?
Season Three of THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY arrives June 22, 2022 on Netflix.
(Photo credit: Netflix)
Based on My Chemical Romance Frontman Gerard Way‘s popular graphic novels, Netflix Series THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY is set to stream across the world. Filmed right here in Toronto, from Canadian Showrunner Steve Blackman and Executive Producer Jeff King, it centers on a group of six survivors of fourty three children born one day in 1989 to mothers who prior had shown no signs of pregnancy. Now adults, they must come together to solve the mystery of their father, Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who has passed. This family of superheroes must iron-out their differences in the wake of a possible apocalypse.
Stars of genre-bending The Umbrella Academy reunited on the festive Red Carpet tonight at TIFF Bell Lightbox in support the the Series’ launch tomorrow on the world’s leading internet television service, Netflix. In attendance were Mary J. Blige, Cameron Britton, Colm Feore, Sheila McCarthy, Tom Hopper, Emma Raver-Lampan, Robert Sheehan, David Castañeda, several of the Show’s young stars and Ellen Page, who has made headlines much of late speaking-out for the LGBTQ Community.
We had the pleasure of seeing and snapping the talent tonight on the Carpet including Sheila McCarthy, Colm Feore, Executive Producer Jeff King, Cameron Britton, Tom Hopper and Emmy Raver-Lampman.
Sheila McCarthy – “Agnes”
We ask the Toronto-born Actress about her character Agnes, a donut shop owner. She says, “Her glass is full to brimming, even in very violent situations, she sees the sunny side. She’s having the greatest love of her life with someone half her age, which doesn’t matter.”. She also tells us about her favourite part of working on the Series, revealing her she won’t forget meeting two-time Oscar nominee and R&B superstar Mary J. Blige. “Two years ago if you told me that I’d be working with her, I’d go ‘What?’! She’s the sweetest, kindest person”, she states. “It’s very carefully-handpicked show and it’s not always like that. It’s a labour of love I tell ya.”.
Colm Feore – “Sir Reginald Hargreeves”
The screen and stage legend tells us what drew him most to the project and Way‘s vision. “It’s a fabulous part and vision of the part by Gerard (Way) and Steven Blackman, a brilliant Writer. He’s got a serious job creating superheroes who could save the world. He knows what end game is and the stakes are very, very high.”.
The role while being a departure from some of the more charismatic roles Feore is known for in his celebrated career, but he clarifies, “For all the absence of warmth and charm, there’s a real eye-on-the-prize focus on what needs to be achieved.”. “It was awfully-fun cracking the whip on the little ones. I got to be mean to Ellen Page by proxy! I know she’s a little mad at me that I didn’t even read her book about the family, EXTRA ORDINARY, but I knew it would pay dividends in the end.”.
Jeff King, Executive Producer
Known for his work on Stargate SG-1, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and White Collar, Canadian-born King feels incredible about bringing the production to and premiering it in Toronto. “This is incredible. This is hometown for me and I haven’t been here in long time to shoot. But I have to credit the Ontario government and the Government of Canada for having an incentive program that would bring studios like Universal and Netflix and encourage them to be in Toronto because it’s such a great multicultural city. I’ve filmed in Paris, London, New York, New York and Vancouver, but Toronto is a unique mélange of all these things because of its people, architecture and proximity.”. He jokes, “Now if would just snow a little less it would be good.”.
Cameron Britton – “Hazel”
Britton who also starred in Netflix’s Mindhunter, tells us what drew him most to his role as an assassin. The Actor who is paired alongside Blige‘s Cha-Cha says, “He’s someone who doesn’t know who he is and I’ve wanted always to play someone in transition, finding out who they are. I found it really interesting that who they are in this case is a villain. It’s uncommon for villain not to know their identity.”.
On his preparation process, he admits being a bit nervous. “Preparation was scary because there was too much freedom to find out who these folks were. I didn’t meet Mary till a few days before starting to shoot. That’s when the characters opened-up a lot more. The chemistry was there and sometimes you get lucky in that regard.”.
Tom Hopper and Emmy Raver-Lampman – “Luther” and “Allison”
Hopper has starred on HBO‘s Game of Thrones and more recently was seen in Amy Schumer Comedy I Feel Pretty, while Raver-Lampman got a breakthrough after a turn on Broadway in Hamilton. They tell us about their love for Toronto.
Raver-Lampman recalls, “We started filming in January and wrapped in July, so we saw all the seasons. So many TV shows and movies come through town and everyone on show was a veteran of their craft.”. “We went to music festivals, did tons of Karaoke and we loved trying different restaurants. We tried to take Toronto in as much as we could.”.
Hopper states, “The amount of fun stuff we did outside of shooting was great. I had a wicked time. At the time my wife was home pregnant with my second baby. What made it a lot easier was these guys and Toronto. I needed these guys to get through this.”.
Despite being siblings, the two show a great chemistry which is prevalent even in few words. We ask how they achieve this on-screen.
Raver-Lampman tells us, “Right from jump, we really got along. There was no ego. We had a willingness to talk through scenes and make the best of the situation. It is because we had a friendship that existed offstage that we became close pals. I think at some point we stopped talking about scenes we had together. I think the Pilot was most we ever talked about scenes and then we would fall right into it and I started figuring out what he needs from me and vice-versa.”.
Hopper adds, “I was learning who Allison was as I was learning who Luther was. I got to know her as Allison as Emmy, it’s weird. And that’s all to do with the trust Emmy that talks about.”.
See our Chats:
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY streams on Netflix Canada Friday, February 15, 2019.
All photos taken on Nikon D3400.
(Photo/video credit: Mr. Will Wong/Amanda Gilmore)
Based on My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way’s Comic Book series of the same name, THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY is set to stream on Netflix this February. Way also serves on the series as Executive Producer. The first season, comprised of ten hour-long episodes brings together a quirky ensemble of talent. It centers on seven children born on the same day despite their mothers not having been pregnant, who are adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore) an alien disguised as a billionaire.
They include:
–Vanya (Ellen Page) who is a skilled Violinist
–Luther (Tom Hopper) who possesses super-strength and the body of an alien ape
–Allison (Emmy Raver-Lampman) who is a star of the Red Carpet, who can alter reality through her lies
–Klaus (Robert Sheehan) who is an odd-ball underachiever, able to communicate with the dead
–Diego (David Castañeda) who has superior knifing skills and ability to control his breath
–Number Five (Aidan Gallagher) who has the appearance of a teen boy and is able to travel in time
Mary J. Blige also stars as Cha-Cha, a time-travelling assassin, along with her partner Hazel, played by Cameron Britton.
Shot right here in Toronto, The Umbrella Academy is a genre-bending mix of Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Drama and Comedy, set against a late ’80s-inspired Soundtrack, the period in which the central characters were born and grew-up. While a bit of a slow-burn, as much time is spent explaining these characters’ back stories, we learn along the way what led to their dysfunction present day as siblings as they look to solve their father’s death. With Number Five travelling into the future to learn that the world will be ending in a matter of days, the siblings must come together to save the world before others threaten to off them and assassins are in hot pursuit of Number Five.
The series’ aesthetic is dark and apocalyptic, set in the poorly-maintained mansion in which the siblings were raised. Fans of the Comic Book Series however surely will find plenty to connect with and rewarded as the plots thicken and the siblings are brought together in a common goal.
The Umbrella Academy is a star vehicle for young Aidan Gallagher who gets a chance to shine with plentiful action sequences, possessing a maturity well beyond his years and he handles the dramatic scenes, especially with Ellen Page with prowess, being her emotional and intellectual equal. Page is fragile and vulnerable, cast well in the role of Vanya who really needs to find herself in a family of siblings whom all possess a useful skill… except her. Tom Hopper as leader Luther and glamorous Emma Raver-Lampman, possess an almost-inappropriate interest in one another which translates from the source material. Robert Sheehan‘s Klaus and David Castañeda‘s Diego are the rebels in the family, keeping things uncomfortably dangerous.
Season One of THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY streams Friday, February 15, 2019. More here.
Filmed right at home here in Toronto, the new Teaser for Netflix‘s THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY finally has surfaced! The Series based on My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way‘s graphic novels, comes with muh fanfare and looks every bit as exciting as it has been made out to be!
See the Teaser:
Netflix Canada stream THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY Friday, February 15, 2019.
(Photo/video credit: Netflix)
Universal Pictures Canada x Mr. Will want to give Readers in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary + Montreal a chance to win Advance Passes to see MORTAL ENGINES on Wednesday, December 12, 2018.
Thousands of years after civilization was destroyed by a cataclysmic event, humankind has adapted and a new way of living has evolved. Gigantic moving cities now roam the Earth, ruthlessly preying upon smaller traction towns. Tom Natsworthy (Robert Sheehan)—who hails from a Lower Tier of the great traction city of London—finds himself fighting for his own survival after he encounters the dangerous fugitive Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar). Two opposites, whose paths should never have crossed, forge an unlikely alliance that is destined to change the course of the future.
MORTAL ENGINES also stars Hugo Weaving, Jihae, Ronan Raftery, Leila George, Patrick Malahide and Stephen Lang. It’s Screenplay was written by three-time Academy Award®-winning filmmakers Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens who brought us The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogies .
See the Trailer:
To enter to win, click “like” on this Post at MR. WILL ON FACEBOOK and indicate your City. Tell us about two opposites that worked better together in your life!
Re-Tweet this Tweet from @mrwillw or click “share” on this Post via Facebook for an extra chance!
Universal Pictures Canada release MORTAL ENGINES Friday, December 14, 2018.
(Photo/video credit: Universal Pictures Canada)
This certainly looks intriguing …without giving too much away. Peter Jackson of THE LORD OF THE RINGS fame, presents us MORTAL ENGINES.
Thousands of years after civilization was destroyed by a cataclysmic event, humankind has adapted and a new way of living has evolved. Gigantic moving cities now roam the Earth, ruthlessly preying upon smaller traction towns. Tom Natsworthy (Robert Sheehan)—who hails from a Lower Tier of the great traction city of London—finds himself fighting for his own survival after he encounters the dangerous fugitive Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar). Two opposites, whose paths should never have crossed, forge an unlikely alliance that is destined to change the course of the future.
Mortal Engines is the startling, new epic adventure directed by Oscar®-winning visual-effects artist Christian Rivers (King Kong). Joining Rivers are The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogies three-time Academy Award®-winning filmmakers Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, who have penned the screenplay. The Universal and MRC adaptation is from the award-winning book series by Philip Reeve, published in 2001 by Scholastic.
See the Teaser:
Universal Pictures Canada release MORTAL ENGINES December 2018.
(Photo/video credit: Mr. Will Wong)
Tipped hotly as the next Young Adult Franchise to break, The Mortal Instruments, adapted from Cassandra Clare‘s Series of bestselling Novels, soon will see a release on the Big Screen with first installment City of Bones having been shot in Toronto last Fall. Hence, it is absolutely full circle that Director Harald Zwart and Stars Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower, Robert Sheehan and Kevin Zegers returned to where it all began last night, this time to promote the Blockbuster set to open next week. If the fact that a second installment already has been green-lit, beginning production in just five weeks’ time, we can expect nothing but for these Films to be a massive success.
The stage was set as a strip of Richmond Street was closed for the Canadian Red Carpet Premiere of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones at Scotiabank Theatre, where Fans lined the barricades all day to get a glimpse of the Talent and perhaps maybe even get their books signed… and several succeeded!
Director Zwart has built an eclectic Résumé which has seen Box Office Hits like 2003’s Agent Cody Banks and 2010’s The Karate Kid Remake. The Norwegian Native was first to walk the Carpet tonight and I asked him what drew him most to the Franchise and he admits, “I think this is the Movie I’ve been looking for all my life – a bit of Fantasy and Sci-Fi. That’s really my favourite genre.”. On which Character he identifies most with, he reveals, “I think I like Luke (played by The Hobbit‘s Aidan Turner). He’s the Outsider who’s watching everyone from a distance, but still protecting them.”. Traveling solo last time around, he says “This time around I’m actually gonna bring my Family – my Kids and Wife – and it will be a great experience having them around!”.
BAFTA-nominated Robert Sheehan has risen to prominence in the UK for his work on the Series Misfits. Tackling the role of the nerdy but loveable Simon Lewis – Best Friend to Lily Collins‘ Clary Fray – the Irish Actor graced the Red Carpet in style tonight in a fitted suit with 3/4-length pants, complete with leopard-print shoes. On Simon‘s grappling with his unrequited feelings for Clary, I ask what romantic advice Sheehan would give his own Character. He jokes, “I’d tell him find the nearest table jump up on it, take your shirt off and claim your love as quickly as possible, because in 50 years’ time you might have a Hernia!”. In addition, he has nothing but praise for Torontonians, stating “People here are enduringly content with themselves. It’s infectious!”. His one regret? Sheehan wishes he got to do more “touristy” things during his last stay. “I’m gonna take my weekends and see some sights like Niagara Falls and Montreal”, as he gestures teasingly at an attractive female Journalist beside me, making a pretend date with her. Charming, indeed.
Despite being from Woodstock, Ontario originally, Toronto practically has become a second home for recently-wed Kevin Zegers. The Actor stars as Alec Lightwood, a Character who comes to be defined in this installment for his own struggles with his sexuality and jealousy towards Clary Fray, as she captures the attentions of Jace Wayland (Jamie Campbell Bower). I ask him what he drew upon in his own life for the role and he states, “I’m not a terrifically jealous person. I’m a little judgmental of people at first and I think that was one of my focuses – to be more renascent and distrustful rather than focusing on the jealousy and whether Clary‘s attached to Jace or not.”. And for those curious, his lovely Wife Jaime Feld walked the Carpet together with him, standing by his side supportively as he greeted Fans and Press.
Although we’ve seen him in both The Twilight Saga and Harry Potter Franchises, British Actor/Musician Jamie Campbell Bower finally gets his moment to shine in The Mortal Instruments in a Lead Role, which actually is rather physically-demanding especially late in the Film in some highly choreographed action sequences with Jonathan Rhys Meyers’ Valentine Morgenstern. Bower‘s Jace is seen widely as a bit of a “Bad Boy” and I asked him what influences he drew upon in crafting the role. He lists for me some of his influences – some more surprising than others, “James Hetfield (Metallica), Kurt Cobain, young Johnny (Depp), young Heath (Ledger) and River (Phoenix) as well”, he says. “I’ve always been interested in Keith Richards (The Rolling Stones) also.”.
It’s always a pleasure seeing Lily Collins, one of Hollywood’s most promising new faces. I still recall my shock spotting her out and about in the City last Summer while prepping for filming and to see her star rise so quickly fills me with a great sense of pride. Upon seeing each other on the Carpet, she came over gave me a big hug. An absolute vision in her white Houghton Dress, I had only a quick moment to chat, but asked her where in Toronto she’d take Clary Fray out on a date. “Oh my God! Well, it’s funny because I went bowling in that Bowling Alley (pointing down the road to The Ballroom Bowl) when I was creating Clary. I’d definitely have to go to Yamato for Sushi because Yorkville‘s my ‘hood’. We’d also just go hang-out on Queen Street and go Vintage Shopping.”. Reflecting on her meteoric rise, she says “Last time we came here no one knew who we were except you!”. I invite her to look behind me at her hoards of adoring Fans and she flashes a brilliant, animated smile. “I’m so thrilled to be here!”.
Watch Video Clips of my Chat with the Director and Cast of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones below:
“You have an incredible gift and we need you. I need you.”.
I cannot contain my excitement at this for multiple reasons. One, this brand new Trailer for The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones not long looks amazing, but also it’s got some funny bits in it! Two, Author Cassandra Clare announces that there will indeed be a Canadian Premiere for one of this Summer’s most eagerly awaited Blockbusters filmed last Summer here in Toronto! “We are thrilled and excited to celebrate with you all. See you soon!”, she says.
Watch the brand new Trailer in full below. The intense opening sequence as Clary (Lily Collins) Mother Jocelyn (Lena Headey) gets taken is just too much to take!
I really cannot contain my excitement for this! Sony Pictures has just released some brand new Stills from The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, in what is almost certain to be the next worth successor in the Young Adult Fiction Adaptation genre to The Twilight Saga. If these faces – with the exception of Kevin Zegers and Jonathan Rhys Meyers, still are only vaguely familar to you now, have my word that this Fall they will be everything: Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower, Godfrey Gao, Robert Sheehan and Jemima West. Toronto had the honour of hosting the filming of this Blockbuster and we can only hope that future installments will be coming back to our City!
Check-out these new Stills below:
Although we’ve been begging for more since seeing its Trailer surface three months ago, here it is again:
“There’s a map inside your head, Clary. You are the key to our Survival.”.
There is absolutely no way this isn’t going to be a Smash! Just having wrapped in Toronto last week, a Teaser Trailer for The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones has just surfaced! The Action Sequences look superb and although I have yet to read the original Cassandra Clare Novels, Harald Zwart looks perfectly to have captured a Mood, transporting us into a dangerous, dark, mysterious World along with Lily Collins’ Clary Fray who like us seems to have a lot of questions.
As one of the few People in the City who met most of the Cast while they were in-town, I couldn’t be more thrilled and supportive! This is going to be an Adventure!
Watch the stunning and v. promising Trailer in full below:
August 23, 2013. eOne Films.
(Photo/video credit: Sony Screen Gems)
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