After having filmed in Toronto in 2012, José Padilha‘s RoboCop Reboot soon hits theatres. The amazing thing about being in the City, is that we get to see some of our familiar faces on the Big Screen and such is the case with Child Actor John Paul Ruttan.
At just 12 years old, Toronto’s Ruttan has had Guest Spots on popular Canadian Television Series like The Murdoch Mysteries, Degrassi: The Next Generation and The Listener. He got his big break starring alongside Megastars Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine and Tom Hardy in 2012 Action/Rom-Com This Means War. His Star continues to rise with a starring role in RoboCop, playing David Murphy, the Son of RoboCop himself Alex (Joel Kinnaman) and Clara (Abbie Cornish).
Ruttan had Tweeted his excitement this morning heading to Global Television‘s The Morning Show (National Edition), his first big Television Interview. Murphy and his Mom were surprised to have Fans waiting in the snow for Autographs and Pictures outside the Studio. Believe me, this is only just a sign of things to come, seeing him get a chance to practice his signature initials, “JP” on a RoboCop Still for a Fan.
Although the dimunitive-sized Actor with big talent tells me he has yet to see the Film he’s currently promoting, he expressed his excitement about it and his Mother was kind enough to Snap of Photo of Ruttan, Billy and I on her iPhone. “We’re still new to the Twitter thing”, she tells me. We’re excited for what’s next for one of our City’s brightest young Stars!
Official RoboCop Synopsis:
It’s the year 2028 and OmniCorp is the Ruler of Robot Technology. Although their Drones have been used by the military overseas and have been keeping countries at peace, Americans don’t want robots ruling their Country. OmniCorp is adamant that America will benefit from these robots and found the perfect solution how to bring them to the country.
When Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman), a loving father, husband and Detroit Cop, becomes injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp steps in and builds a part-Man, part-Robot, which they call the RoboCop because he’s practically invincible. The company believes RoboCop can protect Citizens in every city but things go awry when they fail to remember that there is still a living Man inside the Machine.
Click here to watch the Official Trailer for RoboCop.
See some Snaps of Mr. Will and the Cast of RoboCop:
Sony Pictures Canada releases RoboCop on Wednesday, February 12, 2014.
(Photo credit: Mr. Will Wong/Sony Pictures)
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