Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
Director Pierre Morel is responsible for Action Cult Classics such as Taken and District B13 (which the Movie Brick Mansions is based upon) however, he misses the high mark he has established for himself in latest effort, The Gunman. This however doesn’t mean it isn’t entertaining in spots.
Jim Terrier (Sean Penn) is one of the Worldâs best Marksmen, as he is one of the Leaders of a Mercenary Team that has chosen some very powerful targets to wipe-off the Earth. Their latest target is the Minister of Mining in Congo. This forces Jim into retirement because he is the most-wanted Man now in the Congo and has to play things safe. This forces him to leave his Girlfriend Annie (Jasmine Trinca) and ask one of his Team Members, Felix (Javier Bardem) to take care of her. Fast forward seven years, someone realized that Jim is the Man responsible for killing the Minister of Mining and has put a target on his back. Jim has to find out who leaked the information since it was classified information, and take them down before he gets taken down himself.
The problem with The Gunman is not the acting, which is not anyoneâs best work in this brilliant Cast by any means, but it does make up for the Script’s issues. The Story over-develops relationships and its Characters to the point where the Audience grow weary waiting; there is no middle ground.  Performances from A-Listers Sean Penn and more so Javier Bardem prove to feel disconnected. Idris Elba is also in the Movie but his Role is so miniscule and short that when the Film ends, you forget he was ever present.
The Gunman thankfully is entertaining when the action sequences come into fruition, making this worthwhile when it lacks in other areas. The Movie is trying to steer away from the typical Popcorn Flick, but lacks that much-needed substance and gumption to be engaging enough as a Drama.
Elevation Pictures releases The Gunman Friday, March 20, 2015.
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