Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
When the world is a frightening place, one of the greatest cures is comedy.  Zach Galifianakis, Isla Fisher, Jon Hamm and Gal Gadot deliver exactly that in Keeping Up with the Joneses, which is downright funny.
The Movie starts with married couple Karen and Jeff Gaffney (Isla Fisher and Zach Galifianakis) who live in suburbia and discover they’re getting new neighbours. Things start to get suspicious for the couple when they realize the new neighbours, never saw the house and paid by cash but they decide to look the other way because they believe in the good in all people. Karen and Jeff are  the ideal neighbours as Karen is an interior decorator and Jeff works in Human Resources at a tech company. Things really start to get weird though when Natalie and Tim Jones (Gal Gadot and Jon Hamm) move in, seeming to be the perfect couple. Jeff decides to try his best to befriend Tim, while Karen is more suspicious about their activity and stalks Natalie. Their suspicions end up being valid, as it is revealed that Natalie and Tim are secret agents. At one point Tim ends up warming-up to Jeff realizing that he is not the man theyâre after and reveals that theyâre in fact spies, putting them in the crosshairs of the mission. This leads to some great action and some truly hilarious moments.
What makes Keeping Up with the Joneses so amusing are the performances from the main cast and an underutilized Patton Oswalt who plays Bruce. However the performances from both Zach Galifianakis and Isla Fisher are perfect as the married couple whom are  excited to have something exciting finally happen in their very ordinary lives. As well, the chemistry between Gal Gadot and Jon Hamm is electric. The Greg Mottola Film retains an element of silliness while being smart and twisty.
Keeping Up with the Joneses will certainly delight audiences who are looking for a truly enjoyable splash of fun this weekend. It will also please audiences who are fans of the cast of the Movie, as they all truly deliver funny performances.
20th Century Fox Canada release KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES on Friday October 21, 2016.
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