Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
Marvel’s latest television expansion comes to us through Netflix with Marvel’s Jessica Jones and excels past any and all expectations. Earlier this year we were delighted with Daredevil, which set a high bar for upcoming Marvel television shows, and surely enough Marvel’s Jessica Jones takes that steps it up another notch.
With the show starting off on a slow burn that progressively gets better with each episode, it is the performances by its main star Krysten Ritter in the titular role that truly is the dealmaker, as she is beyond incredible. The show certainly has its obstacles to overcome as Jessica Jones is a retired superhero turned private eye who has to take down a nemesis from a past she had hoped to keep buried, but the way the show handles these issues are truly remarkable.
Kilgrave portrayed by Dr. Who’s David Tennant, is extraordinary as the sick, twisted psychopath villain of the first season of Marvel‘s Jessica Jones. Despite not having substantial screen time until the third episode, his omnipresence is seen through Jones’ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and fear that she will fall until Kilgrave’s mental trap yet again. Throughout the first half of the season the audience continues to find out what Kilgrave made Jones do and it is truly horrific, but the show manages to handle these situations with an integrity that so few shows and movies manage to do.
For the die-hard fans out there, Marvel‘s Jessica Jones is also the second entry into the buildup for the Defenders television show slatted to come out in the near future. With that being said, and the well-known history between Jessica Jones and Luke Cage he is certainly in the show, and his portrayal by Mike Colter is something that is sure to please the mass audiences.
There is not much to pick-on with Marvel’s Jessica Jones. The series is well-done and instead of relying on multiple action sequences, it takes a different turn that focuses on the psychological and the manipulative matters that Kilgrave demonstrates throughout. However that is not to say that there is no action, because there is plenty of it and it is arguably just as good, if not better than that seen in Daredevil. Marvel’s Jessica Jones is a sure-fire hit and not to be missed.
Netflix Canada stream all episodes Marvel‘s Jessica Jones on Friday, November 20, 2015.
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