Just when I thought he’d disappeared completely from my memory, this weekend while out and about for the 2013 MuchMusic Video Awards, I encountered a familiar face once again. Unfortunately it wasn’t one I have fond memories of.
As I noticed Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger being ushered in and out of their Hotel on their way to the Awards, I was quite shocked to see “Ed“, former Lady Gaga Bodyguard, among their Entourage. My most loyal Readers will remember him as being the Guy who roughed me up a couple years back, prompting me to write a letter to Gaga‘s Management, which was reviewed right away.
Surely, I can’t be the only Fan who had a bad experience with him and although we cannot confirm if his departure from Camp Gaga was voluntary or involuntary, it sure looks as though he hasn’t changed one bit. Although I’m a bit red-in-the-face to read that Piece again recalling my Run-in with him back in March 2011, here it is. The memories and emotions were real at the time and I’ll be the first to admit that it hurt.
Those who watched the MuchMusic Video Awards last night will notice Ed‘s graceless blunder as Lavigne’s SUV arrived on the Red Carpet, where they were greeted by Host T-RexXx. As is the case with all other Guests last night, the Host extended a warm welcome to all by opening their Car Doors for them. Of course, Ed gracelessly tried thwarting the perfectly harmless greeting before realizing his own overreaction, which was captured by Cameras. What was he thinking? The Guy had a MuchMusic Mic in his hand! I mean, I’m all for protecting the Talent and doing your job, but this is just beyond.
I could watch this on loop all day:
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