On September 30, 2024, Hollywood Suite will present a day of programming featuring Indigenous creatives and artists as part of the fourth annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Spotlighting the culture, history and perspectives of First Nations, Inuit, and MĂ©tis peoples, the programming will begin at 6:05am ET.
This yearâs National Day for Truth and Reconciliation lineup includes the dramedy Dance Me Outside (1994), Alanis Obomsawinâs documentary Incident at Restigouche (1984), environmental horror film The Beehive (2023), the period drama Black Robe (1991) and Zoe Leigh Hopkinsâ Kayak to Klemtu (2018).
At the centre of the day of programming is APTNâs Remembering the Children: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2024, a 90-minute multilingual commemorative gathering created in partnership with CBC/Radio-Canada and the Algonquin Nation and broadcast live from Ottawa. The special seeks to honour survivors, pay tribute to the children who never made it home from residential schools, and deliver a safe and nurturing environment for reconciliation and healing.
Hosted by Earl Wood and Danielle Rochette, this yearâs Remembering the Children will include powerful reflections from esteemed Elders and Survivors as well as moving performances by First Nations, Inuit and MĂ©tis artists.
The full list of titles airing on Hollywood Suite on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:
Abandoned: Angelique’s Isle (2018)
Marie-HĂ©lĂšne Cousineau, Michelle Derosier (directors)
Starring Julia Jones, Charlie Carrick, Aden Young
The Journals of Knud Rasmussen (2006)
Norman Cohn, Zacharias Kunuk (directors)
Starring Pakak Innuksuk, Leah Angutimarik
The Beehive (2023)
Alexander Lasheras (director)
Starring Meadow Kingfisher, Tina Georgieva
Kayak to Klemtu (2018)
Zoe Leigh Hopkins (director)
Starring Taâkaiya Blaney, Sonja Bennett, Lorne Cardinal
Black Robe (1991)
Bruce Beresford (director)
Starring Sandrine Holt, Lthaire Bluteau, August Schellenberg
L’Inhumain (2021)
Jason Brennan (director)
Starring Samian, VĂ©ronique Beaudet, Jeanne Roux-Cote
Dance Me Outside (1994)
Bruce McDonald (director)
Starring Adam Beach, Michael Greyeyes, Jennifer Podemski
The Lesser Blessed (2012)
Anita Doron (director)
Starring Kiowa Gordon, Joel Evans, Chloe Rose
Don’t Say Its Name (2021)
Ruben Martell (director)
Starring Sera-Lys McArthur, Julian Black Antelope, Madison Walsh
Remembering The Children: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (2024)
Every Child Matters: Reconciliation Through Education (2020)
s-yéwyåw: Awaken (2023)
Liz Marshall (director)
Incident at Restigouche (1984)
Alanis Obomsawin (director)
Through Black Spruce (2018)
Don McKellar (director)
Starring Tanaya Beatty, Brendan Oakes, Tantoo Cardinal
All films are also available On Demand.
Hollywood Suite owns and operates four exclusive HD channels featuring the iconic movies that defined the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s, plus essential Hollywood classics from the Golden Age, always uncut and commercial-free. With hundreds of movies every month on four HD channels and Hollywood Suite On Demand, Hollywood Suite provides unparalleled value to consumers.
Hollywood Suite is available to over 10 million households across Canada, exclusively through Canadian television service providers and Amazon Prime Video Channels. Visit hollywoodsuite.ca for more information.
On September 30, 2022, Hollywood Suite will present a full day of programming from Indigenous creators in recognition and support of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Spotlighting the culture, history and perspectives of First Nations, Inuit, and MĂ©tis peoples, the programming will air on Hollywood Suiteâs HS00 channel.
As well, Hollywood Suite is honoured to be the home of the broadcast premiere of the feature-length documentary The Long Ride Home on September 30 at 9pm ET on HS00. The documentary tells the story of a courageous group of Indigenous riders, led by Neil Sioux, who embark on a series of two-week-long horseback journeys across many traditional territories to bring awareness to the realities of our colonial past, end the over-representation of Indigenous children in care, and find a shared path forward.
The full National Day for Truth and Reconciliation programming lineup also includes work from Indigenous creators, such as Jeremy Torrieâs thriller The Corruption of Divine Providence (2020); the box office success Indian Horse (2017); Darlene Naponseâs Falls Around Her (2018) starring Tantoo Cardinal; Every Child Matters: Reconciliation Through Education (2020); Stephanie Jolineâs Stream Me (2021); the romance Great Great Great (2017); Abandoned: Angeliqueâs Isle (2018); and the supernatural drama from Shirley Cheechoo, Bearwalker (2001).
The new TV special Remembering The Children: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, honours residential school survivors, their families, their communities and all the children who never made it home and will air at 8pm ET on HS00.
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