Acclaimed high-end Italian Drama series GOMORRAH is set to debut in Canada on Hollywood Suite with the first three seasons arriving next month, a total 36 episodes, followed by the Gomorrah feature film The Immortal and seasons 4 and 5 in the new year. The Series is distributed in the U.S. by HBO Max.
Based on Roberto Saviano’s bestselling book, the gritty Naples-set crime drama paints a portrait of the brutal Neapolitan crime organisation the Camorra. More popular than Game of Thrones in its native Italy, the award-winning series set a new standard for Italian television following its debut in 2014, and has gone on to receive widespread acclaim from both viewers and critics alike. To date, the series has been shown in over 190 territories worldwide, with The New York Times rating it in the top five of the top 30 international shows of the past decade.
GOMORRAH seasons 1-3 broadcast on Hollywood Suite beginning December 6, 2021, with new episodes airing weekly on Mondays at 9pm ET. Seasons 4 and 5 will come to Hollywood Suite in early 2022, along with the feature film The Immortal and documentary special The Gomorrah Files.
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