As reported last night, Justin Bieber took to Twitter to voice his disappointment over his 19th Birthday, Tweeting “Worst birthday”. In addition to his Entourage having a bit of an altercation with Club Security at London’s Cirque du Soir. Some are saying that Will Smith‘s 14-year-old Son Jaden simply wasn’t old enough to get into the Venue and this caused a riff. Earlier in the evening, Alfredo Flores, who is a part of Bieber‘s Crew and a self-proclaimed Director, oddly without a directing credit to his name on IMDB, expressed his anger Tweeting “Paparazzi are disgusting. Wont even allow a 19 year old enjoy his Birthday. Hurting fans? Makes no sense #ashame”. Reports on Twitter are stating that some Photographers were being particularly aggressive, shoving Fans who were lined to get a glimpse of or possibly try to meet Bieber.
I’m sorry, but I’m with the Paps on this one. There are plenty of ways to enjoy Privacy and I’m all for freedom of self-expression through Fashion, but if you don’t want to be noticed Bieber, you may want to rethink the way you present yourself to the World like this or this. This just screams “Look at me”, “Take my Pic”, “Keep your eyes on me” … and “Are you guys talking about me? Really? What’s wrong with you?”. There are ways to be discreet with the amount of money you spend on Security, surely you’re a Pro by now at maintaining your Privacy. Just ask your Toronto Fans (we supported you first) who camp outside your Hotel in the freezing cold to not be rewarded/be rewarded for their behaviour with Hot Chocolate, while you basically hide from them.
There are two types of Paparazzi in this World: crazy ones and kind ones. Most of my dealings with them – to clarify, I do not see myself as a Pap although I’ve been called one – veer towards the latter with the occasional Creep. Don’t confuse the two. Like us, Paparazzi have bills to pay and Families to go home to and the ones I know on a personal level are surprisingly normal. It infuriates me when I hear comments like, “I hate Paps” or “They should get real jobs”. Honestly, when you watch Programs like Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, TMZ, Fashion Police or eTalk, where do you think some of their Content comes from, when they have “Breaking News” of Rachel McAdams being back in town? Think about that the next time you flip through the pages of People or US Weekly and admire/criticize a Celeb for what they’re wearing. I’ll bet you feel the same way you felt when you learned what really goes into McDonald’s Food.
Celebrities who consistently complain about being photographed by Paps perhaps don’t understand fully the value of being photographed. When your Photo is picked-up, the viral potential of others discussing you is something that money, a Promotional Team who call it a day after they leave their Offices and an elaborate Press Tour can’t buy. It is a way for Fans and the general Public to build a connection with a Celebrity, which contributes to the overall picture of making someone into a Star.
I’m not saying it’s okay for Paps to be abusive and invade the Personal Space of Celebrities, but there also is an unsaid rule that you kinda, sorta are sacrificing some of your Privacy when you enter this Business.
That is all.
Mr. Will
(Photo credit: Mr. Will Wong)
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