Review by Amanda Gilmore for Mr. Will Wong
The latest Documentary from Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering focuses on Music Mogul Russell Simmons’ accusers.
The Documentary duo are known to expose sexual assault that happens in many places. This time they turn their focus onto the music industry with their primary interviewee being Music Executive Drew Dixon. However, this is more than a documentation of sexual assault. This Film describes how intersectionality plays a role in how certain communities stay quiet when they are assaulted, and why society looks at certain accusers differently.
On The Record screens at Sundance on Sat, Jan. 25th at 5:30 PM at The MARC, Sun, Jan. 26th at 6 PM at Redstone Cinema 7, Tues, Jan. 28th at 6:30 PM at Rose Wagner Centre, and Sat, Feb. 1st at 9 PM at Temple Theatre.
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