Following the smash success of last year’s Herditary, Writer-Director Ari Aster is in Toronto to present his latest, Psychological Thriller-Horror MIDSOMMAR. The Film follows a young couple, Dani (Florence Pugh) and Christian (Jack Reynor) on the down and out, this as Dani is coping with a devastating loss. They venture to Sweden with his friends to a Pagan Festival which takes place only once every 90 years. Much to their horror, they witness some gruesome rituals and soon find themselves deeper involved than imagined.
Aster and Reynor spoke at the Q&A presented by Rue Morgue. Contrary to rumour, this isn’t Aster’s last Horror Film, he tells the audience We ask Aster about the gorgeous locations and what went into filming there. He explains the Film, which he’s described jokingly as “The Wizard of Oz for perverts”, despite being set in Sweden, was filmed in Hungary. His challenge was finding the perfect field on which the set, comprised of about ten houses, was built from scratch and on a tight budget.
Reynor tells us about his amazing Co-Star Pugh, who continues to see her star rise. “I feel as an Actress, there’s nothing that she can’t do. I’ve never had experience of doing a scene with someone like where in that scene where she’s discovered what ‘s happened to her family. She’s screaming. This guttural, animalistic response to this horrific trauma.”. He adds, “I’ve never had another Actor just give me my performance. I didn’t have to think. I just started crying instantly because of the way she’s playing her.”.
See some Clips from the Q&A:
Elevation Pictures release MIDSOMMAR Tuesday, July 2, 2019.
(Photo/video credit: Mr. Will Wong)
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