Based on the true story of Mathematician Alan Turing and his ascension as a brilliant student at Cambridge University, to the groundbreaking Intellect who guided a Team to cracking the Enigma Code, a pivotal component in the British Allies prevailing in World War II, The Imitation Game certainly is a Film which will garner much consideration this Awards Season. Norwegian-born Director Morten Tyldum crafts a deeply-engaging journey here for us with an unconventional Hero whom is no stranger to adversity – bullied as a Child, forced to conceal his sexuality in a time when it was punishable by law to be homosexual and challenged by those who call upon him for his help in perhaps his most important task to date.
EMMY-winning Benedict Cumberbatch‘s performance is front and center here as a bit of a fish-out-of-water in a Boys’ Club, but takes Turing’s challenges to heart and wins our adoration – by no means is an easy feat considering his Character’s great aloofness. His Confidante, Joan Clarke (Keira Knightley), brings with her a great likability, an important Catalyst in winning his Teams’ favour to move the Plot along. The Imitation Game truly is a Story which needed to be told on-screen – a study about differences and great injustice against the backdrop of War, ringing true some 70 years later. Expect a huge Awards Season presence.
Elevation Pictures release THE IMITATION GAME in Toronto Friday, December 12, 2014, with additional cities to follow.
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