With the 2015 Italian Contemporary Film Festival running till Friday, June 19th, there still are many chances for you to see some quality Films we might normally get to see on the Big Screen locally. I had the pleasure of seeing Italian-Canadian Filmmaker Pasquale Marco Veltri‘s latest Short, Words to Remember, at the TIFF Bell Lightbox.
Upon introducing the Film, Veltri explained that Words to Remember is a reflection of his own life and a phase he went through personally thinking about his own choices and mortality. He often makes Films exploring the Human Condition and he states succinctly, “I went through a period in my life where I desperate was trying to evaluate what I would regret at the end of my life. I was hoping to discover what I regretted now and what I could do to change things before it was too late.”.
Words to Remember is told in four separate Monologues in four different languages: Hindi, Gujarati, English and French, a reflection of his own Community as a Canadian in a multicultural landscape. Despite various voices, Veltri manages to paint a cohesive Piece, reaching the Audience on a deep, visceral level. Regardless of age, it is within us all to come to new self-realizations and some times, change. The Film is meditative in somewhat of a Malick-like manner, beautifully-shot, with standout performances from Michael McLeister and Virginia O’Hara. It would be difficult to not walk away feeling affected and wanting to have those conversations with your loved ones after seeing this. Veltri not only manages to make us think but also provokes.
See the Trailer for Words to Remember:
Learn more about Veltri and his work here.
(Photo credit: Mr. Will Wong)
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