Review by Amanda Gilmore for Mr. Will Wong
The animation is different in The Peanuts Movie, but the beloved characters are the same.
Life is always complicated for TV-Charlie Brown and it still is for Film-Charlie Brown. When the Little Red-Haired Girl becomes the new student in his class and moves into his neighbourhood, Charlie Brown finds himself smitten with her. He’s hoping that getting her to notice him is easier than flying a kite, which he still can’t seem to accomplish. As he deals with his feelings, his best friend Snoopy embarks on his own adventure in a story he is creating. His nemesis is the familiar Red Baron.
Not many children television programs can transition into a feature Film as well as The Peanuts Movie does. The TV show only gave little time to give the characters depth. With the Film, each of the children show anger, compassion, sadness, glee and empathy. Even when the children are calling Charlie a “blockhead”, there is some sweetness to the insult. It’s through this sweetness and depth given to the characters that help this Film succeed.
The Film will please both new and old fans of the Comics and/or TV specials. Children will see kids have fun and run their own life, since the adult voices are still unheard. They will love Snoopy, who now helps Charlie instead of sabotaging him, because he’s still the hero of the story. Yet, some moments may confuse children, like when Snoopy’s writing a story and suddenly he’s in a WWI fighter plane. But, it’s little throwbacks like this that will please the adult audience who grew up watching the TV specials.
The Peanuts Movie is great for people of all ages because it’s both nostalgic and modern at the same time.
20th Century Fox Canada release THE PEANUTS MOVIE Friday, November 6, 2015.
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