Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
What is a Film without its share of controversy, especially when that Film is about an assassination? Well Sony Pictures certainly have had their fair share of controversy and hoops to jump through with their latest Comedy, The Interview, which is easily one of the best Comedies of 2014. However, I know this opinion will vary because of the Film’s message and concept, but if you enjoyed Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s Team America: World Police you will surely find The Interview just as entertaining and well, ridiculous.
Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen are back at the writing board again with what is surely to be another Triumph, The Interview, which focuses on Dave Skylark (James Franco) and his Producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) as they embark on one of the most daring and intense interviews of their careers, an interview with theLeader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un (Randall Park). Now this interview comes together as Dave receives a letter from Kim Jong-Un that states that the supreme Leader is a huge Fan of Skylark Tonight (their Talk Show) and this presents them with the opportunity to interview one of the most feared Leaders in the World. However, since Dave and Aaron are the only two Americans to ever be invited to North Korea to interview Kim Jong-Un, the U.S. Government takes it upon themselves to enlist the help of Dave and Aaron in the assassination of Kim Jong-Un. This idea comes from the ever-beautiful Agent Lacey (Lizzy Caplan). Can Dave and Aaron get the job done for the sake of their Country and successfully take-down Kim Jong-Un or will there be too many shenanigans and mixed signals for the two unlikely Heroes to accomplish the job while saving their own lives?
What makes The Interview absolutely hysterical is its perfect set-up, instead of just jumping right into the assassination of Kim Jong-Un. That Storyline doesn’t truly take off until about half-way through the Movie, allowing other for many great comedic moments to develop. Without revealing one of the best laughs in the entire Movie, a mock-interview with Eminem is absolutely brilliant. It is moments like this that separates this Film from what we’d expect as standard fare from Co-Directors, Rogen and Goldberg. Some brilliant performances from the Cast topline the Film, but especially that of Randall Park who plays Kim Jong-Un, shining a light on some of the fantastic Writing here by Dan Sterling. Rogen and Franco togther carry much of the weight on their own, delivering the laughs from start to finish for the entire two hours.
The Interview arguably is the funniest Movie of the year. It is witty, intelligent, hysterical, and at times even tear-inducing. Sony Pictures Canada release THE INTERVIEW Christmas Day on select Video-on-Demand outlets.
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