Review by Amanda Gilmore for Mr. Will Wong
Denzel Washington eliminates the mafia in this third instalment as government assassin Robert McCall.
When Robert takes down an entire drug trafficking ring in Sicily, he gets seriously wounded. As he bleeds out on the side of the road, police officer Gio (Eugenio Mastrandrea) finds him. Rather than bringing him in he takes him to the residence of his small Southern Italy seaside village Doctor Enzo (Remo Girone). Enzo heals Robert without asking questions. Once Robert’s back on his feet, he quickly falls in love with the town and the people. Just as they have him. However, his tranquillity is disrupted when he discovers his friends are under the control of local crime bosses.
All of Director Antoine Fuqua’s films deliver gritty storytelling set in a world with violence. The Equalizer 3 follows suit. If you’re familiar with Fuqua’s previous work, you won’t be taken by surprise. The Equalizer 3 might be the goriest and most brutal of the films. Fuqua opens with a mansion filled with blood and brutally murdered bodies to set up what we can expect this time around. The majority of the violence seen on-screen is warranted. It’s clear these are bad men who deserve what they get. However, there is a scene where a gun is held to a young girl’s head by a member of the mafia. Although the intention is clear, personally, it was uncomfortable to watch and felt unwarranted.
As expected, Washington gives a powerhouse performance. In his fifth outing with Fuqua it’s clear the two understand each other’s rhythms. Washington understands that the one who holds all the power in the room never has to raise their voice. And that’s who Robert is. A soft-spoken, intelligent, trained man who believes in justice for the good. There are moments when Washington will send shivers down your spine and then quickly make you laugh with him.
Washington also reunites with Dakota Fanning who plays CIA agent Emma Collins. It’s been nearly 20 years since they last worked together in Man on Fire. They have a quick rapport and their short moments on screen together give moments of levity amongst the dark themes.
The Equalizer 3 is an unforgiving ride through a small Southern Italy village with a terrific Washington.
Sony Pictures Canada release THE EQUALIZER 3 on Friday, September 1, 2023.
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