Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
Directing duo Clay Kaytis and Fergal Reilly team-up with screenwriter Jon Vitti to bring to the big screen one of the most popular mobile games in recent memory, Angry Birds. When first announced that there was going to be an Angry Birds Movie, there was a mixed reaction because the fandom behind the birds and pigs has fizzled a bit since becoming a worldwide phenomenon and the idea behind a 90 minute Movie with a cohesive story behind it seemed almost impossible. However with Vitti at the helm, he was able to create a cohesive three-act story that builds the world of the birds, the pigs, as we as a final act that is practically lifted from the game the Movie is based on, that is just purely fun. The Angry Birds Movie certainly will entertain the children, even if more than half the jokes are aimed at the adults accompanying the children.
It all starts off with our main character Red (Jason Sudeikis) who is as the title suggests, an angry bird, in a land of happy go-lucky birds that just want to live their lives. After creating an incident and moving himself to the outskirts of town, Red still manages to cause havoc wherever he goes and is eventually sentenced by Judge Peckinpah (Keegan-Michael Key) to anger management therapy. Once in anger management, he meets Matilda (Maya Rudolph) a friendly bird who has done her best to channel her inner anger and help others. While in the program he also meets the hyperactive Chuck (Josh Gad) and Bomb (Danny McBride), whom he forms a bond with. However, Red is unable to strike a chord with Terence (Sean Penn) due to his unwillingness to be friendly at first. Throughout the story we start to learn the dynamic of friendship between Red, Chuck and Bomb until a seemingly friendly pig comes to town in the form of Leonard (Bill Hader). Red grows suspicious of Leonard and his allies and decides to go against the town to investigate what the pigs are really up to.
The performances in Angry Birds from its three leads Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad and Danny McBride carry the much of the weight of the Film. Sudeikis’ brand of brash sarcasm works incredibly well with Red. On the other hand, the eccentric Gad as energetic Chuck is incredibly-funny and a complete blast to watch on screen. As well, McBride’s Bomb grounds Chuck and cynical Red with a comforting balance.
Angry Birds The Movie is through and through a blast, with a lot of adult-oriented humour so that nobody leaves without a smile. The animation also is phenomenal, leaving the audience in awe by the Film’s final act.
Sony Pictures Canada release THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE in theatres on Friday, May 20, 2016.
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