Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
In 2008, Liam Neeson became an unexpected Action Hero of the Modern Age with commercially-successful Spy Thriller Taken and a Franchise soon would be born from audience acclaim. Although Taken 2 was seen widely as a disappointment to Fans, although this third and Final Instalment in Taken 3 provides a fitting conclusion to this action-packed Trilogy. For this latest effort to succeed two R-Rated Instalments with a 14A rating, true Taken Fans perhaps are left more action and edge.
Taken 3 starts off with Bryan (Liam Neeson) and Kim (Maggie Grace) reconnecting, as well as Bryan and Lenore (Famke Janseen) rekindling their broken relationship as he embarks on deployment. As a critical moment between Bryan and Lenore occurs, it is fairly obvious where the Story will continue from there. Bryan gets a text message from Lenore asking for bagels and to talk and when he returns home he discovers Lenore’s dead body lying in the bed; he has been framed for murder. The entire Movie focuses on Bryan’s mission to clear his name all while escaping the police in hot pursuit, with Leader of the Force dead-set on his capture, Franck Dotzler (Forest Whitaker). Will Bryan be able to find those responsible not only for his framing, but also his Wife’s murder, or will he have to answer for a crime he did not commit?
The performances in this Taken 3 overall lack the focus which the first Film possesses, but this goes hand-in-hand with some weaknesses in both Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen‘s Script, providing at times some unintentional laughter. Neeson proves he still is capable as an Action Hero at 62 years of age, but even despite his best foot forward signs of fatigue are ever apparent. Overall, the action provides for fun enough a ride to overlook Taken 3‘s shortcomings.
20th Century Fox Canada release TAKEN 3 on Friday, January 9, 2015.
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