Review by Siobhán Rich for Mr. Will Wong
The Star Trek that Gene Roddenberry first introduced the world to in 1966 has moved past the small screen, to the big screen, and now thanks to the Barco Escape Experience the Starship Enterprise is ready to once again boldly go where no one has gone before. The new ultra-panoramic format has finally arrived at Cineplex’s Scotiabank Theatres in Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver just in time for Star Trek Beyond.
The Barco Escape Experience is a wider view on Movies. Instead of Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) simply seeing the Starbase Yorktown, he can now see a spectacular panoramic view as he approaches the “snow globe in space.” The 7:1 aspect ratio sharpens and highlights the best parts of seeing a Movie at the theatre.
The Enterprise has been called to the outer reaches of an unexplored nebula on a rescue mission for a missing ship and its occupants. What they find instead is a locust-like swarm of enemies led by Krall – an alien who hates the Federation and the peace it represents.
The crew is separated after crash landing on an unknown planet. Captain Kirk and Chekov (the late Anton Yelchin) quickly find each other and work to find an artifact Krall (Idris Elba) is desperate to find. Meanwhile, McCoy (Karl Urban once again doing a great Bones impression) is struggling to save Spock (Zachary Quinto) from a potentially mortal injury while trying to find his friends and avoiding Krall’s minions. Sulu (John Cho) and Uhura (Zoe Saldana) have been captured and are attempting to keep the surviving crew members safe and decipher Krall’s greater plan. The final key player, Scotty (Simon Pegg), has found an ally in Jaylah (Sofia Boutella), a strong female alien who doesn’t need anyone’s help to kicks ass and save a man in distress.
With all these balls in the air, it would be easy to think the story might fall apart under its own weight. Instead writers Simon Pegg and Doug Jung have finally taken the new Star Trek beyond its Original Series roots by introducing new characters and plots not previously found in in the Franchise. Additionally, they have brought a much a much needed lightness to the beloved characters that has been missing in previous Films.
Although Justin Lin’s direction is occasionally scattered in his attempts to cover as much ground as possible during the two hour running time, the action scenes are crisp and well realized especially across the massive Barco Escape Experience screens.
Star Trek Beyond boasts a stellar cast who have incredible chemistry. The crew are truly friends and their affection for one another is tangible. From brotherly barbs between McCoy and Spock, to a space-weary Kirk the Movie sells not because it is a familiar franchise but because the audience wants to be a part of this ragtag family.
Whether they call themselves as Trekkers or Trekkies, Star Trek Fans are guaranteed to love Star Trek Beyond. Watching the crew of the Enterprise rush to save the galaxy will never get old and having the chance to see them do it on the massive screens of the Barco Escape Experience is the ultimate in moving watching experiences.
Paramount Canada release Star Trek Beyond Friday, July 22, 2016.
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