Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
First time Feature Writer/Director Aneesh Chaganty delivers a gritty, gut-wrenching experience in Searching. Like the Horror Unfriended, which is told through a computer screens, webcams and footage found on the computer, etc. Sometimes this method works, and other times it becomes a disaster, but it works incredibly well in building the tension here.
Searching starts off with a flashback into The Kims’ lives, David (John Cho), Pam (Sara Sohn) and Margot (Michelle La) until we reach the present, where we find out that Pam has passed away due to Cancer and the relationship between father and daughter David and Margot, could be classified as strained at best. One night, David is facetiming Margot, to learn she’s at a friend’s house for a study group, letting him know she’ll be home late. When David wakes up the next morning, she appears to go missing. After trying to find her whereabouts and being misled, he files a police report which gets him in contact with Detective Vick (Debra Messing). Together, David and Vickn must try to find Margot before it is too late.
Searching shines among a crowded genre how it builds-up suspense and constantly makes you think the Movie is going in a different direction. It endlessly has you on the edge of your seat, trying to figure out what happened to Margot. Even through its downright crazy Third Act, you’re still trying to figure out how it all went down. Chaganty manages to craft two thirds of this Film exceptionally before things go positively bonkers late.
Both Cho as the father in desperate need of answers and Messing, give convincing performances in what looks to be a sleeper hit.
Sony Pictures Canada release SEARCHING in theatres on Friday, August 31, 2018.
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