Review by Amanda Gilmore for Mr. Will Wong
The Film follows a suburban stay-at-home mother and wife Agnes (Kelly Macdonald), who is grossly taken for granted. On Agnes’ birthday, she receives a 1000-piece puzzle as a gift. Between waking up her husband and two sons and doing her repetitive daily routines around the house, she sits down and completes it. When she’s unable to find any puzzles in her suburban town she heads to New York City to buy more. Once there she notices an ad for a needed puzzle partner for a competition. She then unexpectedly becomes drawn into this new world that completely changes her life.
Puzzle, which is based on the Argentinean Film Rompecabezas, is a special Film about the power someone possesses once they realize who they really are. Writers Polly Mann and Oren Moverman craft an inspiring story about a woman who learns how to find herself in the most unexpected way. Yet, it isn’t that unexpected once you see how everything comes together. The more Agnes practices with her puzzle partner, Robert (Irfan Khan), the more the pieces of her life fit together. This is what makes this sentimental feel-good Movie, special. The Writers have also created one of the most lovable character that is beautifully brought to life by Kelly Macdonald.
Although Agnes doesn’t do much for the first half of the Film, Macdonald does a lot. Her delicate performance of the quiet and disheartened Agnes is subtle, however, powerful. With every piece of the puzzle Agnes puts together, Macdonald comes more alive until Agnes’ life puzzle is fully complete. She is magnificent opposite Khan who plays the eccentric Robert. Khan gives a highly intriguing performance that elegantly complements Macdonald’s.
Overall, Puzzle is a complex Film made simple through its careful Script.
Mongrel Media release PUZZLE on Friday, August 10, 2018.
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