Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
Professor Marston and The Wonder Women is a love letter to the Wonder Woman, telling the story behind her creation and the dynamics between her creator, his family and lovers. The Movie is equal parts an investigation if Wonder Woman can in fact be published because of what could be seen as ‘crude’ content (in the original comics and even today) and a Biopic about William Marston himself.
The Movie focuses on Marston (Luke Evans), his wife Elizabeth (Rebecca Hall) – both psychologists – and their vision to create the world’s first lie detector. William is a professor, while Elizabeth is trying to become one but as a woman in that time period she faces many struggles. While teaching one of his classes, he meets Olive (Bella Heathcote) and invites her on to work alongside him and Elizabeth for research. Olive and William begin a romantic relationship, which Elizabeth doesn’t take issue with until it crosses the line. The three begin a polyamorous relationship and the creation of Wonder Woman was accomplished through the inspiration William gained in this relationship.
Luke Evans’ truly makes the audience believe he is the creator of Wonder Woman, willing to stop at nothing to defend her honour, and he is phenomenal. Rebecca Hall also does a fantastic job that it is a shame the real Marston family haven’t been supportive as the Film serves as a respectful homage to them. Lastly, Bella Heathcote’s performance is raw and emotionally-fueled, marking herself as one to watch. She is truly captivating.
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women is a true crowdpleaser – a funny, incredibly-enjoyable Film from start to finish, shining a light on the great cultural significance of Wonder Woman herself.
Sony Pictures Canada release PROFESSOR MARSTON AND THE WONDER WOMEN in theatres on Friday, October 13, 2017.
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