Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
Where does one even start with a Movie that is written by the three members of The Lonely Island and directed by two of the three members? Well for starters it is the most entertaining Movie of the year. That is not hyperbole, it is outright outrageously hilarious for a Movie that runs 86 minutes where approximately 75 of those minutes are spent laughing uncontrollably. I honestly cannot remember a time where I was so overjoyed by a Movie that I was in pain afterwards from laughing so hard. From start to finish, the Movie is comedic gold the only thing I will say is avoid trailers, for the love of God do not look at IMDB, and go see this Movie you will not regret it.
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping starts off like every musical biopic, Conner (Andy Samberg) was a young boy who discovered his love for music and formed a band with his two buds Owen (Jorma Taccone) and Lawrence (Akiva Schaffer) and started the Style Boyz. However fame and fortune got to Conner and that lead him to have a solo career in which he partnered up with Owen and Lawrence fell off the grid. On the release of Conner’s second album, which tanks he tries to stay on top of the mountain and maintain his popularity. He does this with the help of his manager Harry (Tim Meadows) and Paula (Sarah Silverman) as well as slew of celebrity cameos that you have to see to believe.
The performances in the Movie are heightened by the charisma and ridiculousness that Andy Samberg has managed to perfect and deliver time and time again. Everything he does in the Movie is hilarious, and just downright spot on for the Movie. Jorma Taccone is also freaking brilliant in his role as the bystander and Conner’s right hand man in trying to make things right but also just casually standing by and letting what will happen, happen. Tim Meadows as well is genius in the Film and its partially due to the fact that the script just feeds lines to him that are great but also the fact that he is generally a funny guy. Moreover the cameos along with the rest of the cast are spot on hilarious, some of them are super subtle cameos that will have to be looked for in the credits and some of them are downright obvious. Overall Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping does exactly that, it doesn’t stop delivering the laughs from start to finish. Also the Soundtrack is incredible and incredibly desirable.
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping is the most ridiculously-enjoyable Movie of the year, thus far. Universal Pictures Canada release Friday, June 3, 2016.
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