By Mr. Will Wong
NOSE TO TAIL is the directorial debut of Director/Writer Jesse Zigelstein. The Film takes place over the course of one day with Daniel (Aaron Abrams), a Chef struggling to keep his restaurant afloat. His Ex is planning to take their child and move away, his current love interest is none the more pleased with him, her patience tested. With a bit of bad blood, he looks to woo an old friend with deep pockets to pour a bit of capital into his establishment. In the face of adversity, with his world crumbling around him and a food truck outside his restaurant stealing his thunder, Daniel refuses to compromise his pursuit of culinary excellence.
The College Street-set Dramedy really gives Abrams a chance to shine with a pardon the pun, meaty role. Possessing a Gordon Ramsay-like vision and also that one’s rage, Daniel isn’t particularly likable. The Film however isn’t about warming-up to him, it’s about his character and his integrity and while even Abrams’ committed work here doesn’t make us like Daniel, we respect him and what it means to him to keep his dream from failing.
Abrams’ Hannibal Co-Star Lara Jean Chorostecki surfaces here as the restaurant’s hostess, Chloe and another familiar Canadian face, Ennis Esmer as Daniel’s old friend, deliver noteworthy work that helped the Film gain recognition at the Canadian Film Fest and impending ACTRA Awards.
NOSE TO TAIL opens in Toronto, Calgary and Winnipeg Friday, February 14, 2020.
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