Director Sarah Rotella and Writer Adrianna DiLonardo re-team once again after 2016’s BFF Dramedy Almost Adults, this time with Dark Comedy NOBODY FAMOUS. The Feature centers around a group of five struggling, self-absorbed Actors who go on a weekend cottage getaway. All of them had auditioned recently for a blockbuster called Legend of the Spring and things get tense between the friends once Dani (Justine Nelson), perhaps the most carefree one in the group, lands a lead role, while the rest are shut-out. Emotions flare as Dani makes plans to ditch her gloating friends and go celebrate.
Grace (Winny Clarke) is over-prepared and underqualified with zero acting credits to her name, while Valerie (Gráinne O’Flynn) has been sleeping with Ricky (Evan Giovanni), who happens to be Dani‘s boyfriend. Stefano (Justin Gerhard) is harbouring a deep secret about his sexuality and tries to muster the courage to tell his friends this during their getaway.
Rotella does a great job keeping us in suspense and engaged the entire time. These characters have so many marks against them, yet we are compelled the follow along as we feel and know something is going to go wrong horribly and that tone is set right from the first few frames of the Film. At the core of it all is the very identifiable theme of jealousy and rivalry, these flawed characters as used as a conduit to illustrate this. And to save themselves, these fledgling actors just may have to deliver their best performances yet – and not even for a role or audition.
The Ensemble have a great chemistry and deliver solid performances with Clarke getting to show her range most. Gerhard has a great presence, grasping Stefano‘s obsession with vanity and crippling fear of being outed. Giovanni must navigate the limitations and shallowness of his character, but manages to have a bit of fun with it. Nelson is memorable and effective, grating when she has to be and full of conviction when she has to be.
NOBODY FAMOUS is to be enjoyed as a satire set in the age of self-obsession and Social Media. It is equal parts a Comedy as it is a Thriller and worth a watch. Unsolicited Pictures release NOBODY FAMOUS at Cineplex Yonge & Dundas Friday, May 25, 2018 and digitally (iTunes, Vimeo) Tuesday, May 29, 2018.
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