Review by Amanda Gilmore for Mr. Will Wong
Academy Award winner Chloé Zhao’s back with another knockout hit, Eternals. The Eternals are a race of immortal beings with superhuman powers. They’ve secretly lived on Earth for thousands of years battling Deviants, ruthless creatures determined to harm humanity. The Eternals won this battle centuries ago and have since separated to live among humans. However, when Sersi (Gemma Chan) encounters a Deviant in London she reunites her family to battle the evil.
There are many things to — marvel — at with Eternals particularly Zhao who accomplishes the tremendous feat of introducing us to this big batch of characters. Unlike with The Avengers, this is the first film for each of The Eternals. Zhao makes us care and connect with each member by giving enough time to get to know them. This is executed with meticulous dialogue and flips in time. It’s this flipping in time that brings about the theme of humanity.
In the past, these Eternals are purely immortal beings. In the present day, they’ve been living among and like mortals, learning to appreciate humanity. This is perfectly shown through tech genius Eternal Phastos, brilliantly played by Brian Tyree Henry. In the present, he lives with his partner and child. He’s fully assimilated into human life. Each member, in their individual way, has had time to embrace humanity. All but one. Sprite (knockout young talent Lia McHugh) is stuck in a teen’s body, unable to age. She’s watched other members of her family live a fully human life. Her desire for this opportunity shows us how lucky and fragile life is.
By the time we arrive at the action-packed final battle we understand and care for each Eternal. We know their stakes in the fight, both individual and for the common goal. Zhao expertly shoots this battle with energy and gives each member their individual moment. This final fight stands out from other battles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe because of the lead Eternal, Sersi. She has the superpower of turning any object into another object (the visual effects are truly stunning throughout). However, it isn’t her superpower that makes her strong. It’s Sersi’s ability to emphasize that makes her the leader of the pack and able to save humanity. Chan is outstanding as the compassionate Sersi that learns how to trust and embrace her power.
Like with any good Marvel film there are many laughs to be had. Here they come from Kumail Nanjiani who brings his charm and impeccable comedic timing to Kingo. In the present, Kingo has lived an enriching human life by becoming one of the biggest stars in Cinema. Nanjiani is matched with comedic force Harish Patel who plays Kingo’s human valet Karun. Karun spends his time filming a behind-the-scenes Documentary of the Eternals. The back-and-forth between Nanjiani and Patel is comedic perfection.
The rest of the Cast give captivating performances. Salma Hayek’s Ajak is the calm yet powerful matriarch of this eclectic family. Angelina Jolie is captivating in moments where Thena is battling her memories that often cloud her judgement, as well as in wicked fight sequences. Don Lee is delightful as the strongest Eternal Gilgamesh. A highlight is when we catch up with him in the present and he’s cooking pies. Barry Keoghan gives a textured performance as mind control enabled Druig. Lauren Ridloff portrays the first deaf superhero in a Marvel film and is great as the speedy Makkari. Richard Madden gives Ikaris enough mystery to make us wonder where he was all these years. And Kit Harington show his comedic side when seeing a Deviant for the first time.
Overall, Eternals is a knockout addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a touching story of family, humanity and the fragility of life. It reminds us that when you love something you will protect it with everything you have. Additionally, Zhao’s love for pop culture is evident with playful nods to prior films and television shows throughout.
Marvel Studios, ETERNALS is in theatres November 5, 2021.
*Please exercise caution exercising Covid-19 protocols if seeing in theatres*
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