Review by Jonathan Godfrey for Mr. Will Wong
Keegan & Peele are two of the funniest voices in contemporary comedy. Their off-beat brand of black humor is perfectly portrayed in their latest pet project, Keanu. Its story goes a little something like this: Rell (Jordan Peele) is broken-hearted and hopeless until a curious little kitty comes scratching at his door. He names the cat Keanu. Quickly thereafter a band of thugs take Keanu while Rell is out with his cousin Clarence, (Keegan-Michael-Key). Then things go “John Wick” as Rell & Clarence become Shark Tank & Tectonic! From nerdy white boy wannabes to NWA’s finest the duo transform in an effort to save Keanu from the underworld.
It’s an absolutely hilarious Film with a soundtrack that is one half Future, and the other George Michael. There’s really nothing like it, and that’s what the audience will enjoy most. It’s absurd, and it’s unapologetic about it.
Method Man, Will Forte and Luis Guzmán play a variety of criminal types. While Nia Long and her beautiful self, plays Clarence’s concerned wife, Hannah. It’s got an incredible cast, including the kitty. This Film maximizes Keanu’s cuteness in a variety of creative ways. Enough to make even dog people “aww” at its references to Cult Films of all kinds. It’s the kind of comedy needed as the spring rains ready the grounds for the warmth to come. It warms the belly with laughter from its shear audacity. It’s great to see people still want to make us laugh and escape for evening. Ready yourself for a loud crass comedy balanced by next-door neighbour friendliness. Be sure to hit theatres this weekend and enjoy something cinematic with those you love.
Warner Bros. Pictures Canada release KEANU Friday, April 29, 2016.
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