Review by Jonathan Godfrey for Mr. Will Wong
X Games Athlete turned Photographer Tyler Shields has completed his first Feature Film. Much like his photography, Final Girl focuses on a female that is battered, bloodied, and bruised.
Academy Award Nominee Abigail Breslin plays Veronica, an orphaned girl tutored by a vengeful master. Wes Bentley plays William, the rancorous man who teaches Veronica the dark arts of death.
Veronica, armed with her fists & wits, is tasked to take down a youthful band of human hunters. The Film and its Story are akin to the cult classic I Spit on Your Grave. It is the tale of a female hell-bent on violently killing a group of ravenous males. Stylistically it differs as Final Girl is drenched in the blacks, whites, and reds of Film Noir. Furthermore, it is jam-packed with its wooden dialog. Rigid one-liners that help give direction without revealing any of the Characters’ sensitivities.
All in all it’s a fun Film, a Midnight Madness-type flick, equal-parts quirky and scary, that many will roll their eyes at and others will create a Cult around. It has its charms, and for fans of hyper-stylized pet projects, Final Girl is certainly something worth checking out.
Nasser Entertainment release FINAL GIRL via Video-on-Demand Friday, August 14, 2015.
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