Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
Eleven years, twenty-one movies and one final epic conclusion Marvel delivers yet again with not only the best Avengers movie to-date, but the best in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Avengers: Endgame delivers on all fronts and fulfills its promise as we conclude the epic Infinity Saga. What Endgame manages to do that the other movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have not always done, is this final entry into the Saga tie-up loose ends, leaving no stone unturned, giving fans what we’ve all wanted to see in one way or another. It is truly epic and cannot be missed.
First and foremost, Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) has seen the Endgame over fourteen million times and not once has he spoiled it for anyone, so this review will not do that either. Avengers: Endgame sees our remaining heroes trying to figure out how to reverse Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) destructive snap and bring back the fallen.
Now that we are on our twenty-seconded installment of this Franchise it is hard to separate the fact that these movies follow a formula, and while there is nothing wrong with that it just has to be addressed. Avengers: Endgame does not follow that formula, it feels more than just our fourth Avengers film, it is their Grand Finale and they took risks that paid off in larger ways than anyone could have foreseen. There are jaw-dropping moments that occur in Endgame that will have induce goosebumps. There are moments you will be howling with laughter and then there are moments you will quietly leave you wiping-away the tears on your cheek. Avengers: Endgame is an impactful send-off and a truly curious take as to where our heroes may go next.
Avengers: Endgame flourishes because it takes characters we have come to cherish, understand, and empathize with over the course of over a decade and answers those burning questions at long last and gives the audience the sense of closure they’ve longed for. No other movie can do that, no other Franchise has gone twenty-one movies with singular characters and driven home such a delivery (James Bond is a distant second). Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have given audiences the respect that Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Jim Starlin gave to the readers of the Comics.
Moreover, the Cinematography of Avengers: Endgame simply-put, is beautiful. Every shot has meaning and is breathtaking. There is not a single moment that could have been perfected further. The CGI if this epic conclusion is so realistic that Avengers: Endgame almost looks like a Disney Nature film, everything just pops and your eyes are glued to the screen the entire time. Its three-hour-plus running time flies by all too quickly. #DontSpoilTheEndgame
Marvel Entertainment Canada release AVENGERS: ENDGAME in theatres Friday April 26, 2019.
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