Review by Justin Waldman for Mr. Will Wong
While the Gerard Butler-fronted Fallen Franchise seem to be winding-down, but now with three movies under their belt, its latest entry Angel has Fallen might be a suitable Finale. It sticks to its tried and true formula of action-packed fun like it’s predecessors.
The Movie follows Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) as he is one of President Trumbull’s (Morgan Freeman) leading Secret Service men. While Banning and The President are on a fishing trip, there is an attack on the Secret Service, killing everyone except Banning and The President.l This leaves the FBI to believe that Banning was behind the attack. Banning must now fight for his life and prove his innocence.
Gerard Butler delivers what he does best – he truly seems to become the character he is playing. He’s hard-headed, self-absorbed, shoots first and then asks questions. And it works. However, while Butler is great, it is the plethora of quality actors in Supporting Roles in Angel Has Fallen who are under-developed and subsequently fade into the background. Jada Pinkett Smith is the leading FBI woman, hell-bent on bringing Banning down, Danny Huston is Banning’s friend who has fallen on hard times due to a lack of military contracts, and Tim Blake Nelson plays Vice President Kirby. The real saving grace here is Nick Nolte who plays Banning’s father bringing some laughter, keeping it over-the-top.
While it remains to be seen how moviegoers will take to a third installment of this Franchise, Gerard Butler certainly does a great job taking names and kicking ass. While slightly long at just over at long at over two hours, it is a crazy thrill ride that gives audiences the adrenaline rush they have come to know and love of the brand.
VVS Films release ANGEL HAS FALLEN in theatres on Friday, August 23, 2019.
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