Review by Amanda Gilmore for Mr. Will Wong
The Boss Baby is a surprisingly hilarious Animated Feature that will also make both kids and adults laugh.
The Film is told from the point of view of a wildly imaginative 7-year-old boy named Tim. He tells the story of the day a baby gets delivered to his home from a taxi â being labeled his brother. But this isn’t any baby, this is Boss Baby (Alec Baldwin). He wears a suit, carries a briefcase and doesn’t take orders from anyone. The sibling rivalry begins between Boss Baby and Tim until Tim finds out that the only way to get rid of Boss Baby is if they work together on a secret mission.
The Boss Baby takes a unique spin on the sibling rivalry theme. Making it fun for kids to watch but also entertaining for adults. The animation is very imaginative, swirling between ânormalâ life and the imagination of Tim going on his adventures. And its in those moments inside Timâs inventive mind that children will relate and adults will reminisce about. Then there are the jokes, some light and some extremely dark, that are coming out of this innocent looking baby. But these jokes wouldn’t have the effect they do if it wasn’t for the casting of Baldwin as Boss Baby.
Baldwin is known for his comic delivery and on-camera work. But off-camera, only using his voice, Baldwin is hysterical. Having this deep, manly voice come out of a tiny little baby is just the start of this comedic performance. It isn’t even the jokes that Baldwin is saying, even though those are hilarious. It comes down to the way Baldwin delivers the jokes that will force audiences to laugh, even when they don’t want to.
Overall, The Boss Baby is an animated Movie that will take audiences on a journey of imagination and what it means to be siblings. Most of the jokes are acceptable for people of all ages but there are some that are a little inappropriate for younger audiences. But, those are the jokes that will have the adults laughing.
20th Century Fox Canada release THE BOSS BABY on Friday, March 31, 2017.
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