In a grand unveiling of an international scale, Lady Gaga premiered the Artwork for her new Disc ARTPOP earlier today. In multiple cities around the World at 1:00 PM simultaneously, Billboards revealed the new Jeff Koons-designed Cover which apparently took almost two years to craft. Gaga herself on Twitter called the Cover, “A real depiction of my mind through his.”.
The Cover features:
-dissected images including Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus Painting
-a Statue of Gaga by Jeff Koons, which will be unveiled at her Album Release Party, artRAVE on Sunday, November 10, 2013
–Gaga is seen cupping her breasts with a giant Koons’ blue Gazing Ball protruding between her thighs; the Ball is one of a series of new Sculptures from the Pennsylvania-born Artist.
Official Artwork below:
Those of you in Toronto hoping to get a large glimpse of the ARTPOP Billboard, may do so at Yonge-Dundas Square!
Universal Music Canada releases ARTPOP on Tuesday, November 11, 2013.
(Photo credit: Universal Music Canada)
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