SK Films and BBC Earth announce the release of their upcoming documentary, “ARCTIC: OUR FROZEN PLANET,” produced by BBC Studios’ globally-renowned Natural History Unit and narrated by Academy Award®-nominated actor, Benedict Cumberbatch. The film is set to open in Giant Screen theatres and museums in February 2023 – beginning with Gatineau’s Canadian Museum of History, where the film will have its World Premiere screenings on February 4th, 2023. “ARCTIC: Our Frozen Planet” will have separate French and English screenings throughout its year-long engagement and will be accessible to all museum visitors via General Admission tickets.
Embark on a year-long adventure across the seasons in the Arctic home to more than 4 million people across 8 countries. Be immersed in the astounding world of narwhals, belugas and polar bears as they navigate ice floes. Hear the thunderous sound of stampeding caribou and muskox trying to escape hungry wolves. Be amazed by hooded seals that blow up red balloons and ice-covered bumblebees that emerge glorious from their winter lairs. As the planet’s climate is experiencing rapid changes, so is the Arctic. But the changes here are happening faster and more dramatically than anywhere else. Can it and its people keep pace?
“We set out to make a film that celebrates first and foremost the wonder and magic of the Arctic and the incredibly diverse life that survives and thrives there. We also wanted giant screen audiences to understand how deeply connected to the Arctic region we are and how we depend on it.” states Jonathan Williams, Executive Producer and Head of Commercial, BBC Earth.
Wendy MacKeigan, CEO SK Films, says, “We’re so excited by the breathtaking cinematography and never-before-seen footage, which are the trademarks of BBC Studios Natural History Unit, and the narration that world-renowned actor Benedict Cumberbatch has provided to the film. His passion for this unique environment and for the future of our planet resonates with every word. The immersive IMAX medium and giant screen enhance the viewer experience of the vast landscape, the indigenous people and the wildlife in Arctic: Our Frozen Planet.”
For the World Premiere screenings at the Canadian Museum of History, there will be two private screenings in the morning for museum members and invited guests at 10:00am ET in French and 11:30am ET in English. The English screening will be followed by a short Q&A with Eric Regehr, a Polar Bear Specialist and Wildlife Biologist featured in the film.
The film is accompanied by an educational and marketing outreach campaign with the goal of uniting audiences globally to inspire change and encourage the next generation to take care of this planet we all call home.
“ARCTIC: Our Frozen Planet” will open globally in select Giant Screen and IMAX Theatres in 2023.
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