By David Baldwin
Ziggy (Kaniehtiio Horn, who also Writes and Directs) is an influencer trying to make it in Toronto. She has just signed a deal with a seed company called Nature’s Oath when she is called back to the reservation to housesit for her Aunt. She is reminded to protect her Aunt’s seeds at all costs, and though she just waves away the warning, she changes her tune when she realizes someone may be trying to take them after all.
SEEDS is a Comedy that unpacks itself gradually before exploding into a full-blown Revenge Thriller with one of the most savage and vicious endings in recent memory. Horn steeps the film in traditions and learnings of her background, infusing Ziggy with a rich history that both haunts and informs her decisions. It feels very personal in this way and does a great job keeping itself tightly wound over the course of its 82-minute running time. Not all of the ideas come together as cohesively as they should, but SEEDS is a solid directorial debut from Horn that will consistently surprise you with the journey it takes you on.
Horn herself is great as Ziggy, as are her Reservation Dogs Co-Star Dallas Goldtooth who gets many of the film’s laughs as Ziggy’s cousin Wiz and Patrick Garrow as the menacing Bondsman who is after the family’s seeds. He has quite the knack for making you hate his guts from his first frame right up until his last. The legendary Graham Greene also appears – as himself no less – in Ziggy’s dreams as a spiritual advisor. It’s a fun role for the Oscar-nominated Actor who makes a lasting impression on every scene.
Fair warning though, if blood and animal abuse makes you squeamish, you may be keeping your eyes shut frequently watching this.
SEEDS screens at TIFF ’24:
Friday, September 6 at 12:00PM at TIFF Lightbox
Saturday, September 7 at 4:30PM at Scotiabank Theatre Toronto
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