By Mr. Will Wong
Robert McCallum directs MR. DRESSUP: THE MAGIC OF MAKE-BELIEVE and there will be tears shed watching this loving tribute to a national icon.
If like me, you grew-up in the ’80s and ’90s, chances are that Mr. Dressup (Ernie Coombs) babysat you weekday mornings. The former understudy of Fred Rogers found his way into the hearts of children across the country with his long-running series MR. DRESSUP airing on CBC from 1967 to 1996. This portrait captures his true essence as a devoted husband, entertainer and imperturble father figure to kids across Canada.
McCallum gets notable subjects to speak on the matter. Members of the Barenaked Ladies, Kids in the Hall, Eric McCorrmack, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, former Puppeteers on the Show and even Michael J. Fox appear with heartfelt recollections and anecdotes of what Mr. Dressup means to them. The Film also touches upon the deep friendship that Rogers and Coombs (both American) shared over the years through letters and footage.
The Documentary isn’t all sunshine. We hear from Coombs son Christopher how he used to get teased from schoolmates about his dad being a “sissy”, and tragedy strikes late in his life, making Mr. Dressup‘s story bittersweet. We could not help but feel affected and left teary-eyed. Thank you, Mr. Dressup, we will never forget you and this is your story told the way it was meant to be told.
Saturday, September 9
TIFF Bell Lightbox
9:00 PM
Sunday, September 10
Scotiabank Theatre Toronto
8:45 PM
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