Festivities at the 2022 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL are taking flight, literally! TOP GUN: MAVERICK has brought Tom Cruise to the Festival and fighter jets leaving a trail in the colours of the French flag in the skies, got everyone pumped!
Cruise even got honoured with a surprise Palme d’Or for his contributions to Cinema, in addition to a ten-minute reel celebrating his carrer being shown. The Hollywood Megastar spoke at the Tribute held in his honour at Debussy Theatre, and our Amanda Gilmore was there.
Some key statements from Cruise at the In-Conversation.
On why Cruise wanted to get into acting.
Cruise: “I would save my money and go to the Movies. And, suddenly I am 18 years old … and suddenly I’m making Taps. I’m on a Movie Set for the first time. I’m 18 years old. It was my second audition and I got the role. I never went to a film school.”.
On Film Sets Being His Film School
Cruise: “I went to every department and studied every department. That has been my education throughout.”.
On Viewing a Film In Cinema
Cruise: “Cinema is my love. My passion. I sit in the audience with everyone…I come in early…I watch the commercials and trailers.”.
On Working with Cast And Crew Members
Cruise: “The best thing you can do is study every aspect of the art form. All of these elements and thing that we are striving for…I wanna hear your story what do you think this Movie is…I have to tell them this isn’t my Movie this is our Movie.”.
On Watching a Tribute Reel which Cannes Put Together of His Filmography
Cruise: “I have a thing where I remember every take. I remember everything. It’s wild seeing this reel by the way. It’s like your life in 10 minutes! It’s very trippy.”.
On Following Your Dreams
Cruise: “I was interested in adventure in life. It’s possible even if others said it’s impossible. I held onto my dream and thought maybe it is possible.”.
“It is better to create. Even if you fail. I always try to walk away with what I learned. It’s always better to go for it. Then to not do it. Ask the question and don’t be afraid.”.
Some highlights from the event:
Also, some sightings from the Premiere of Michel Hazanavicius‘ Zombie Comedy-Horror FINAL CUT.
Keep checking daily for updates throughout the Festival. Amanda‘s Review of FINAL CUT is here.
(Photo/video credit: Mr. Will Wong/Amanda Gilmore)
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