Adult Animated Series LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS VOL. II comes to us from Director David Fincher and Deadpool Director Tim Miller. See the new Trailer!
Love Death & Robots is a blast of the future with its roots deep in the past. Show creator Tim Miller teamed up with director David Fincher after years of wanting to make adult animated features and short films at his animation house Blur Studio. When his directorial debut Deadpool hit big, they saw their opportunity and the anthology series found a natural home at Netflix. “We couldn’t have been happier at the response to the show,” recalls Miller, of the excitement around season one and the appetite for more. “It was exactly the kind of passionate reception from animation fans David and I hoped for, but for many long years had been told wouldn’t happen.”
These 8 Animated Shorts arrive May 14th, 2021 on Netflix.
(Photo/video credit: Netflix)
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