Haven’t you heard? LAO LAO Bar is now open for lunch! I’m sure many of you like me struggle with finding great, quick midday options that afford you an actual proper sit-down experience in the Bloor & Yonge area.
With indoor and outdoor options, the inclusive LAO BAO Bar is after our hearts with their inclusive and pet-friendly approach to dining well!
Many of the things we love about this City’s top purveyor of Laotian cuisine still are intact on their new Lunch Menu, but breezier, lighter and meant for one. Perfect in time for the launch of their brand-new patio coming in days ahead of Toronto Pride 2024.
Some of the amazing offerings we tried:
Luang Prabang Salad
Mee Tom Yumg Haang (left in above photo)
Tom Khem (second from left in photo above)
Lao Heavenly Beef Jerky (right in the photo above)
Khao Poon Gai
We chat with Co-Owners Jason and Seng about this new offering, and we were so stoked to try the highlights. And of course, one of legendary Michelle Yeoh‘s favourite go-tos which is actually on their Dinner Menu! This is indeed one of her favourite spots in Toronto and the food critics also are hailing!
Follow @LaoLaoBar for more and visit their website for full menu and their story.
For advertising opportunites please contact mrwill@mrwillwong.com