Review by Amanda Gilmore for Mr. Will Wong
To the Stars follows the friendship that quickly develops between quiet Iris (Kara Hayward) and enigmatic Maggie (Liana Liberato) in a small town in 1960s Oklahoma.
Director Martha Stephens (Land Ho!) gives audiences a slice of what it was like to be a female in the 60s. Stephens takes a steady deliberate pace that leads to an effective satisfying ending. The Cinematography is beautiful and the choice of shooting black and white gives visual authenticity. The performances from Hayward and Liberato are enchanting. The two young Actresses have magnetic chemistry that’s as alluring to watch as the Film itself.
To The Stars screens at Sundance on Jan 25 at 9:30PM at The Ray PC, Jan 26 at 8:30AM at Prospector PC, Jan 27 at 12:15PM at Grand Theatre SLC, Feb 1 at 12:15PM at Eccles PC, and Feb 2 at 11:30AM at Prospector PC.
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