Directed by the same Man who wrote the Screenplay for Training Day, David Ayer, Action/Thriller End of Watch centers around two young Los Angeles Police Officers wanted by members of a Drug Cartel after uncovering only the tip of the iceberg of their illegal activities. Officer Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Officer Zavala (Michael Peña) form a brother-like bond as they keep the streets safe. While their heroic work begins to get recognition from their peers, it is their ambition ultimately ...
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Several years into the Future, we are taken away to an Urban Slum, where Corruption and Crime are rampant and Order is maintained through Violence. Tough-as-nails Judge Dredd (Karl Urban) acts as a Judge, Jury and an Executioner, and is paired together with a green Trainee possessing psychic abilities Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), looking to prove she has what it takes to be a Judge, after just missing the mark on her Exam.
The Duo are up against terrifying former Prostitute-turned-Leader, ...
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Rory Jansen’s (Bradley Cooper) rise to fame as an Author is sudden and he finds himself paying the price for plagiarizing a Novel he stumbles upon while Honeymooning in Paris with his Wife Dora (Zoe Saldana). The Novel’s original Writer, now an elderly Man (Jeremy Irons), confronts Rory on his actions, triggering a downward spiral which threatens irreversible damage to both his marriage and reputation. The lines between Fiction and Reality soon are blurred as we become enraptured by ...
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By Mr. Will Wong
Although it is v. tempting to be a cynic about The Expendables 2, it is almost impossible to deny how ridiculously fun it is. How can one deny the combined legacies of so many legendary talents? Church (Bruce Willis) returns here with an assignment for The Expendables after their Leader Barney (Sylvester Stallone) runs off with some of his money - all $5 million of it. Believe me, Church isn't going to eat the loss on this one.
Joining The Expendables this time around is ...
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