Review by Amanda Gilmore for Mr. Will Wong
Novitiate follows Cathleen (Margaret Qualley) who struggles with her faith and sexuality while training to become a nun during the Vatican II era.
The Film is an impressive first feature debut from Writer/Director Margaret Betts who assembles a powerhouse ensemble of female talent. Most notable is Qualley who delivers a breakout performance, Melissa Leo who is a terrifying Reverend Mother, and Julianne Nichols as a strong single mother who can’t understand her daughter’s need to become a nun. Betts’ skillful direction and writing give the Film a steady pace. It’s also one of the most original coming-of-age female stories seen on-screen.
Novitiate screens at TIFF on Sept. 10 at Scotiabank 1 at 5:45 PM and on Sept. 12 at Scotiabank 12 at 4 PM.
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